Applicant Information

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
We will use this email to contact you during the hiring process.

Employment Details

Preferred Work Location: *
Are you interested in working in other locations?: *
By selecting 'Yes' your CV will be shared with your chosen locations below.
Other Interested Work Locations:
You can select multiple locations.
Job Category: *

Attachment Information

CV: *
Up to 5 MB supported
Cover Letter:
Up to 5 MB supported
Sailing Details (only if applicable):
Up to 5 MB supported

Compliance Information

The Schulte Group consists of different business entities found in this link: It is important to understand that you have the option to send your data selectively to the entities you are applying only when completing theapplication form. When we refer to “Schulte Group”, “SG”,“we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice, we are referring to the relevant company in the Schulte Group responsible for processing your data and act asthe “data controller”. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. You are viewing this privacy notice because you are applying to work with us (whether as an employee, worker or contractor). It makes you aware of how and why your personal data will be used, namely for the purposes of the recruitment exercise, and how long it will usually be retained for. It provides you with certain information that must be provided under the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (GDPR).

By ticking this box I accept the above terms and conditions and wish to proceed with the application process.*